Design is not really just an art. We have to serve some kind of purpose, no matter if you are doing a restaurant or doing a home. It is important to make our clients satisfied, and then each project have a different objective to fulfill. So, I am sure that design is a very good tool to solve problems and then to give our clients a better quality of life.
Going into sustainable design is getting stronger and stronger. In general, for the design style, especially in China and Hong Kong, it goes from classic to more contemporary and even minimal. And sometimes when people go into the more high tech kind of design, or sometimes into very metallic or very ultra-modern kind of design style or materials. But I would say timber is always there.
I have known Boen for a long time. I can not remember how long it was. I think it was since I started practicing as an architect, and also doing some interior projects, I started using Boen. Wich I would probably say is the best timber flooring I have ever used. I think Boen is a great product, not only in terms of good quality, but also reliable and value for money. And obviously, we have almost no complaints about it. Not only from my designers, but also from my clients.
But now, for me, I think I would rather like to use timber with more grains, looking more natural. I mean, it is like fashion. We always want to change every now and then. And then, after using one, you want to change to something else.
I like timber in its natural kind of finish. I do not want it to be too artificial. I think the simplest material in its simplest form, to me, is the most beautiful.