We are both concerned with quality, premium materials, variety, and local businesses - it was easy to make our choice. BOEN has a wide selection of wood flooring, high quality products and they are local.
We have built a cabin in Setesdalen, there we have chosen wood floor from BOEN. We were satisfied with our floor for the cabin, based on this positive experience we decided to install BOEN floor to our home. The floor we chose is Oak Nature, Chaletino and we fell for it immediately in the store. Autumn 2021, we started our renovating project, that I had planned a long time ago.The idea behind the renovating project was that it should be quality, timeless and matching my style, which I call “Nordic glam”.
The quality is incredibly good, there is a wide selection and there is good customer service. When we choose floor, the selection and quality are crucial. The floor must withstand being used and for us the new lacquer was crucial. A high-quality wood floor does not need to be treated every year, it retains its color better and can withstand more water. When I wanted to buy a new floor, I knew what I wanted: TIMELESS, NATURAL, MAINTENANCE-FREE, LUXURIOUS LOOK, SMALL KNOTS and REAL WOOD.
Walking on the wood floor is something very special. The choice was easy when I saw BOEN product selection. We chose to go for wood floor so that we can change the look of the floor without replacing it. The advantage of parquet floor are multiples, it can be sanded down, oiled or varnished. As I mentioned it before, parquet is good to walk on, it feels warm. A wood floor has a real and natural look which is matching to my interior style.
What is trendy today?
I feel that in 2021 and 2022 we are even more concerned with quality and the natural look. Choosing timeless and natural materials that create a nice base to easily change the home style. Beige and grey colors are and will continue to be part of the trend look for some time now. When it comes to the Environment is an important topic and it is clearly much more environmentally conscious to choose natural quality products that last many years rather than products that needed to be replaced often.